Friday, December 4, 2009

Do you think all movies released to theater now a day are "suc.k" and "not worth your

Not at all.....I have seen several movies in the past year that were excellent and totally worth the money. Sometimes it's a crap shoot; they build up a movie then when you pay good money to go see it, it sucks, but that's the chance you take. In my experience, however, I see more good movies than bad ones. I am a total movie freak and see just about every new release.

Do you think all movies released to theater now a day are "suc.k" and "not worth your money"performing show

some are ya. alot are pretty good. like that movie with denzel washington called dajavu it was funny, intense and good at once

Do you think all movies released to theater now a day are "suc.k" and "not worth your money"opera score opera theater

i think movies now are great.

only go see ones that you

really want too see. primeval

looks really bad. i mean how

can a crocodile be a serial killer?
NO I suggest two excellent films -

Forgiving Dr. Mengele

The Queen

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