How long does a movie stay in theaters?say yes
It all depends on the number of screens the film comes out on, how mature it's subject matter is and what other movies are out at the time. The record is held by the Rocky Horror Picture Show which is alway on somewhere. Titanic lasted 22 weeks. The average is four weeks now a days. Blame it on the multiplexes.
How long does a movie stay in theaters?palace theatre opera theater
if its good 2 weeks if its bad its 1 week realy really really good 3 weeks
Depends on popularity. As long as people keep coming to see the movie, it will stay in the theatre. Titanic was still playing in some theatres when it came out on video. But the usual run is about 1-3 weeks for unpopular movies with about 5-7 weeks for popular movies and 10-12 weeks for blockbusters like the Shrek movies.
It depends on the movie, but it doesn't seem to last any more than three months on the average.
some films don't even last a week
It depends on what you mean by "in theaters."
A movie will stay at the local multiplex depending almost entirely on how well it performs: if it's a bomb, it will be gone after two weeks (theatres are usually obliged to run a movie for two weeks -- after that, it's up to them whether or not to continue showing it). If it's successful, it can last months. Titanic, for example, stayed in first place at the box office for 15 weeks, so it was in many theaters for that long -- and still playing in theatres eight months after it was released. Gigli, on the other hand, went from playing in 2,142 theatres in its second week to just 73 in its third -- a drop of 97% (the biggest drop-off in history).
However, if you mean how long until there are no theaters anywhere showing a movie, it averages three or four months. For example, right now (12/22/2007) The Simpsons movie (already out on DVD) is still showing in 26 theaters around the US, now in its 21st week. Right now, the longest-running movie is Space Station in IMAX which is in its 296th week (more than 5 years).
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